It’s a participatory project consisting of an intervention of “up street art”.
An extensive amount of fabric tracing the word HELP was rolled out over the rooftops in the Madonnella neighbourhood of Bari, Italy.
The fabric runs through buildings and roads, to finally enter through the window and into the main hall of the BLUorG Gallery.
The project is a scream for action. In an era of confusion and disappointment, we have the perception that nothing on Earth will solve this collective feeling of sadness that is felt. HELP acts as a smoke signal or a cry for help to a far off place; whether it be a physical or a metaphysical place. Emulating the classic cries for help seen in writings on street walls, this time the horizontal surface of the city was used to send out this message. In this case, the message can only be read from above, from the very top.

500 linear metres of a “collective” fabric made out of donated bed sheets and sewed together were used.
0 nails were hammered and no other invasive intervention was made on the rooftops.
30 buildings were involved; only 3 did not give their consensus.
62 people HELPED by volunteering their time.
350 euros was the budget for this project.